Common Thread Sewing Ministry in room 203 upstairs in the Education/Office building, right in front of the elevator from 9:00 to 12:00 on most Mondays when
the church office is open.
Join us to help sew skirts, hygiene kits, sewing kits and other items to be included in the Samaritan’s
Purse Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. We have fabric, sewing machines and tools. This is for
anyone. You do not have to be an experienced sewer to help. If you would like to learn some sewing
skills, here is a great opportunity.
Students, you are welcome to join us during school breaks when we will open the studio on additional
days just for you. Watch for special dates and times and invite some friends. Sign up at the front desk,
and plan for a fun time of learning and getting involved in the Operation Christmas Child Shoebox